This recipe is how to make simple Saffron Rice ~ no measurements are
given because no matter how many cups of rice you make it is all the
same. There are a few important factors to note ~
1. The
rice must be organic Indian Basmati rice. It cannot be California,
Texan or any other kind simply because none of them elongate as well as
Indian Basmati rice where the Basmati rice originates from.
2. Use high quality pot, the more rice the bigger the pot must be.
Preparation and cooking ~
1. Soak the rice in cold, salt water for a few hours.
2. Boil water, add the soaked rice once the water is boiled.
Let the water come to boil with the rice rising to the top, taste it to
make sure it is not cooked just al dente then sieve it in a mesh
colander. If the colander has big holes you will lose a lot of the
4. Put the pot back on the stove add ghee or butter,
saffron if you want potato, sweet potato, lavash bread or nothing just
the ghee and saffron then add the rice from the colander.
5. In a
very small saucepan bring some water to boil, add ghee and saffron ~ I
usually make this while the rice is coming to boil then.
6. Add the boiled water, ghee and saffron to the rice.
Traditionally you wrap the lid around a clean, cotton cloth then put it
on the pot to absorb all the moisture to prevent the rice from being
soggy however, I don't do it and the rice is never soggy.
8. Put the stove on the lowest temperature/flame you can.
9. Depending on the size of the pot and the amount of the rice you can cook it anywhere between 30-60 minutes.
10. Serve it on a platter.
rice can be eaten with many different kinds of stews. If cooked with
the right and high ingredients, it is extremely aromatic. Enjoy it ~