Saturday, May 08, 2010

Salmon, Asparagus Sandwich

Today at the Kismet Inn Maine Bed and Breakfast seems to be fish day. I made salmon with Asparagus for lunch, dinner is going to be Tamarind Fish stew with Saffron rice which I will post later.

The Salmon, Asparagus sandwich was loved by the guest. It is easy to make and very delicious.

Salmon, fresh ginger, fresh garlic, onion, ghee, salt, pepper and asparagus.

Saute the onion in ghee then add the salmon sprinkle it with salt, pepper, crush the ginger and garlic on the salmon let it cook for couple of minutes then turn it over do the same with this side.

Cook the asparagus in just a little bit of water with a pinch of salt for 3 minutes after bringing the water to boil.

Put the salmon on the plate first then the asparagus then salmon.

The asparagus was fresh from 'Firefly' Farm in Topsham, Maine.

The guest thought it was the best salmon and asparagus she had ever had. What a great compliment to receive.

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